Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston

Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston
Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston
Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston
Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston
Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston

Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston
Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. This item is on display in our warehouse gallery located at. 323 Boston Post Road Unit 3. OLD SAYBROOK, CT 06475. Open by appointment only by going to. I would be happy to help you with arranging it. I try to use the. Least expensive and safest method possible so my clients don’t pay any. I send fragile and/or heavy items by UPS, and all. Items sent by UPS are packed by UPS. I send smaller items by. Postal Service, and I pack these myself. For deliveries further west, you may contact USHIP or Plycon. Will be paid separately.
Antique half gallon stoneware jug in very good condition. Walker and Co. Boston

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