1870’s Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline

1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline

1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline
A 4 gallon crock with partial blue outline of eagle. Under the eagle a partial York Pa. Above the eagle, the No. Above the 4 in a semi-circle I can make out H.
1870's Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock by H. B. Pfaltzgraff York Pa. Blue Eagle Outline

Posted in 1870s

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