Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug

Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug
Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug
Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug
Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug
Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug

Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug
This antique 1/2 gallon stoneware jug is a beautiful piece of American pottery. It has a blue color that is typical of the Worcester, Massachusetts region where it was made by the renowned maker Frank Norton in the 1800s. The jug has a classic American primitive style and is an original, authentic piece of stoneware. The size of the jug is small, making it perfect for any collector’s display. Please note that this antique item contains lead-based paints or contents that are harmful if ingested, so it should not be used for food or beverage storage, preparation, service, or transport for humans or animals. This rare piece of American history is listed by American Stoneware Collectors LLC and is unsigned.
Antique Primitive Salt Glazed 1/2 Gal. Stoneware Jug

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